Uppaal Model Repository
Schedulability Analysis of Herschel/Planck Software Using Uppaal, Marius Mikučionis, Kim G. Larsen and Brian Nielsen. Quasimodo Industrial Handbook, 2011. [pre-print]
Abstract This chapter shows how UPPAAL is applied in schedulability analysis of satellite attitude and orbit control software used in Herschel/Planck mission. Our method transforms the schedulability analysis into reachability analysis performed by UPPAAL. The chapter briefly describes the schedulability requirements and elaborates on the modeling framework designed to handle single processor hardware with a fixed priority preemptive scheduler, detailed task specifications, two resource sharing protocols and voluntary task suspension. The results include qualitative an- swers (whether the system is schedulable) as well as quantitative (response and blocking time estimates) which are comparable with classical response-time analysis.
Keywords: schedulability analysis, timed automata, stop-watch automata, modelchecking, verification
BCET is 10% less than WCET, no errors: HerschelNonDet-10.xml
BCET is 10% less than WCET, limited to 16 cycles, no errors: HerschelNonDet-10-16.xml
BCET is 14% less than WCET, limited to 16 cycles, no errors: HerschelNonDet-14-16.xml
BCET is 14% less than WCET, no limits, possible error: HerschelNonDet-14.xml
Trace to possible error: HerschelNonDet-14.xtr.bz2